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Sunbed Tanning

Blossom into a new you

The Right Beds for “You”

When it comes to tanning, Totally Tan & Spa sets the gold standard for quality, performance, cleanliness, consistency, comfort, and price! Whether you prefer basic-level tanning systems or the most luxurious innovations, Totally Tan & Spa has the right system. We even offer your first year free in our basic-level tanning systems, so why wait? Come experience the difference today at Totally Tan & Spa.

Luxury Level Sunbeds

Experience the perfect blend of state-of-the-art technology, luxury, relaxation, and comfort with our Luxury Sunbeds. These sunbeds elevate your tanning experience, providing you with the deepest, darkest tan imaginable while ensuring your beautiful results last longer. Our Luxury Hybrids combine sunlight and red light, offering a transformative approach to tanning and skincare. Enjoy vibrant color like never before with this ideal fusion of light and beauty. With Luxury Sunbeds, you’ll gain a significant boost in wellness, skincare, and long-lasting results that everyone will notice.

Watch more here. Click for video

Luxury Level Sunbeds feature upgraded options, including high-pressure lamps, air conditioning, and climate control, plus upgraded sound systems, Bluetooth, MP3, and more! Luxury sunbeds are available with our Wellness membership. ($40 per session for non-members)

Base Level Sunbeds

Our Base beds are designed to help establish and maintain a rich and vibrant base tan. Our Base membership offers unlimited* tanning in our Base beds ($15 per session for non-members).


*Our guests are permitted to use each eligible UV service only once per day as required by FDA guidelines.